L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.


課本頁 p.101

A: OK.  And when are you returning?

B: Sunday, the 23rd.

A: Oh, I’m sorry, but the tickets for that day are sold out2.

B: Just my luck3!

A: It’s the peak season4, you know.  How about Monday, the 24th?

B: OK.  I’ll take it.

A: The fare5 is 60 euros each for group tickets6.

B: All right.  Here’s my card.


  1. Santorini  n. 聖多里尼(希臘小島之一)
  2. be sold out  賣完了
  3. Just my luck!  運氣真背!真倒楣!
  4. peak season  旺季(=high season
  5. fare  n. 交通工具之費用,車資
  6. group ticket  團(體)票

課本頁 p.102

Sentence Patterns

Read and practice.


Where are we going on     Monday?






When are we going to the    flea market?

amusement park1?

shopping mall2?

folk village3?



What are we doing on    June 2?

July 12?

April 20?

August 31?


  1. amusement park  遊樂園
  2. shopping mall  購物中心
  3. folk village  民俗村

課本頁 p.103


When are we going to have a     party?






I’d like to book a flight to    San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

San Diego4.

New York.



Could I have    ferry   tickets for a party of 30?






May I reserve 20 tickets for the      flight?





  1. San Diego  n. 聖地牙哥

L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.


課本頁 p.101

A: OK.  And when are you returning?

B: Sunday, the 23rd.

A: Oh, I’m sorry, but the tickets for that day are sold out2.

B: Just my luck3!

A: It’s the peak season4, you know.  How about Monday, the 24th?

B: OK.  I’ll take it.

A: The fare5 is 60 euros each for group tickets6.

B: All right.  Here’s my card.


  1. Santorini  n. 聖多里尼(希臘小島之一)
  2. be sold out  賣完了
  3. Just my luck!  運氣真背!真倒楣!
  4. peak season  旺季(=high season
  5. fare  n. 交通工具之費用,車資
  6. group ticket  團(體)票

課本頁 p.102

Sentence Patterns

Read and practice.


Where are we going on     Monday?






When are we going to the    flea market?

amusement park1?

shopping mall2?

folk village3?



What are we doing on    June 2?

July 12?

April 20?

August 31?


  1. amusement park  遊樂園
  2. shopping mall  購物中心
  3. folk village  民俗村

課本頁 p.103


When are we going to have a     party?






I’d like to book a flight to    San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

San Diego4.

New York.



Could I have    ferry   tickets for a party of 30?






May I reserve 20 tickets for the      flight?





  1. San Diego  n. 聖地牙哥

L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.


課本頁 p.101

A: OK.  And when are you returning?

B: Sunday, the 23rd.

A: Oh, I’m sorry, but the tickets for that day are sold out2.

B: Just my luck3!

A: It’s the peak season4, you know.  How about Monday, the 24th?

B: OK.  I’ll take it.

A: The fare5 is 60 euros each for group tickets6.

B: All right.  Here’s my card.


  1. Santorini  n. 聖多里尼(希臘小島之一)
  2. be sold out  賣完了
  3. Just my luck!  運氣真背!真倒楣!
  4. peak season  旺季(=high season
  5. fare  n. 交通工具之費用,車資
  6. group ticket  團(體)票

課本頁 p.102

Sentence Patterns

Read and practice.


Where are we going on     Monday?






When are we going to the    flea market?

amusement park1?

shopping mall2?

folk village3?



What are we doing on    June 2?

July 12?

April 20?

August 31?


  1. amusement park  遊樂園
  2. shopping mall  購物中心
  3. folk village  民俗村

課本頁 p.103


When are we going to have a     party?






I’d like to book a flight to    San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

San Diego4.

New York.



Could I have    ferry   tickets for a party of 30?






May I reserve 20 tickets for the      flight?





  1. San Diego  n. 聖地牙哥

L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.


課本頁 p.101

A: OK.  And when are you returning?

B: Sunday, the 23rd.

A: Oh, I’m sorry, but the tickets for that day are sold out2.

B: Just my luck3!

A: It’s the peak season4, you know.  How about Monday, the 24th?

B: OK.  I’ll take it.

A: The fare5 is 60 euros each for group tickets6.

B: All right.  Here’s my card.


  1. Santorini  n. 聖多里尼(希臘小島之一)
  2. be sold out  賣完了
  3. Just my luck!  運氣真背!真倒楣!
  4. peak season  旺季(=high season
  5. fare  n. 交通工具之費用,車資
  6. group ticket  團(體)票

課本頁 p.102

Sentence Patterns

Read and practice.


Where are we going on     Monday?






When are we going to the    flea market?

amusement park1?

shopping mall2?

folk village3?



What are we doing on    June 2?

July 12?

April 20?

August 31?


  1. amusement park  遊樂園
  2. shopping mall  購物中心
  3. folk village  民俗村

課本頁 p.103


When are we going to have a     party?






I’d like to book a flight to    San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

San Diego4.

New York.



Could I have    ferry   tickets for a party of 30?






May I reserve 20 tickets for the      flight?





  1. San Diego  n. 聖地牙哥

L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.


課本頁 p.101

A: OK.  And when are you returning?

B: Sunday, the 23rd.

A: Oh, I’m sorry, but the tickets for that day are sold out2.

B: Just my luck3!

A: It’s the peak season4, you know.  How about Monday, the 24th?

B: OK.  I’ll take it.

A: The fare5 is 60 euros each for group tickets6.

B: All right.  Here’s my card.


  1. Santorini  n. 聖多里尼(希臘小島之一)
  2. be sold out  賣完了
  3. Just my luck!  運氣真背!真倒楣!
  4. peak season  旺季(=high season
  5. fare  n. 交通工具之費用,車資
  6. group ticket  團(體)票

課本頁 p.102

Sentence Patterns

Read and practice.


Where are we going on     Monday?






When are we going to the    flea market?

amusement park1?

shopping mall2?

folk village3?



What are we doing on    June 2?

July 12?

April 20?

August 31?


  1. amusement park  遊樂園
  2. shopping mall  購物中心
  3. folk village  民俗村

課本頁 p.103


When are we going to have a     party?






I’d like to book a flight to    San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

San Diego4.

New York.



Could I have    ferry   tickets for a party of 30?






May I reserve 20 tickets for the      flight?





  1. San Diego  n. 聖地牙哥

L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.


課本頁 p.101

A: OK.  And when are you returning?

B: Sunday, the 23rd.

A: Oh, I’m sorry, but the tickets for that day are sold out2.

B: Just my luck3!

A: It’s the peak season4, you know.  How about Monday, the 24th?

B: OK.  I’ll take it.

A: The fare5 is 60 euros each for group tickets6.

B: All right.  Here’s my card.


  1. Santorini  n. 聖多里尼(希臘小島之一)
  2. be sold out  賣完了
  3. Just my luck!  運氣真背!真倒楣!
  4. peak season  旺季(=high season
  5. fare  n. 交通工具之費用,車資
  6. group ticket  團(體)票

課本頁 p.102

Sentence Patterns

Read and practice.


Where are we going on     Monday?






When are we going to the    flea market?

amusement park1?

shopping mall2?

folk village3?



What are we doing on    June 2?

July 12?

April 20?

August 31?


  1. amusement park  遊樂園
  2. shopping mall  購物中心
  3. folk village  民俗村

課本頁 p.103


When are we going to have a     party?






I’d like to book a flight to    San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

San Diego4.

New York.



Could I have    ferry   tickets for a party of 30?






May I reserve 20 tickets for the      flight?





  1. San Diego  n. 聖地牙哥

L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.


課本頁 p.101

A: OK.  And when are you returning?

B: Sunday, the 23rd.

A: Oh, I’m sorry, but the tickets for that day are sold out2.

B: Just my luck3!

A: It’s the peak season4, you know.  How about Monday, the 24th?

B: OK.  I’ll take it.

A: The fare5 is 60 euros each for group tickets6.

B: All right.  Here’s my card.


  1. Santorini  n. 聖多里尼(希臘小島之一)
  2. be sold out  賣完了
  3. Just my luck!  運氣真背!真倒楣!
  4. peak season  旺季(=high season
  5. fare  n. 交通工具之費用,車資
  6. group ticket  團(體)票

課本頁 p.102

Sentence Patterns

Read and practice.


Where are we going on     Monday?






When are we going to the    flea market?

amusement park1?

shopping mall2?

folk village3?



What are we doing on    June 2?

July 12?

April 20?

August 31?


  1. amusement park  遊樂園
  2. shopping mall  購物中心
  3. folk village  民俗村

課本頁 p.103


When are we going to have a     party?






I’d like to book a flight to    San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

San Diego4.

New York.



Could I have    ferry   tickets for a party of 30?






May I reserve 20 tickets for the      flight?





  1. San Diego  n. 聖地牙哥

L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.


課本頁 p.101

A: OK.  And when are you returning?

B: Sunday, the 23rd.

A: Oh, I’m sorry, but the tickets for that day are sold out2.

B: Just my luck3!

A: It’s the peak season4, you know.  How about Monday, the 24th?

B: OK.  I’ll take it.

A: The fare5 is 60 euros each for group tickets6.

B: All right.  Here’s my card.


  1. Santorini  n. 聖多里尼(希臘小島之一)
  2. be sold out  賣完了
  3. Just my luck!  運氣真背!真倒楣!
  4. peak season  旺季(=high season
  5. fare  n. 交通工具之費用,車資
  6. group ticket  團(體)票

課本頁 p.102

Sentence Patterns

Read and practice.


Where are we going on     Monday?






When are we going to the    flea market?

amusement park1?

shopping mall2?

folk village3?



What are we doing on    June 2?

July 12?

April 20?

August 31?


  1. amusement park  遊樂園
  2. shopping mall  購物中心
  3. folk village  民俗村

課本頁 p.103


When are we going to have a     party?






I’d like to book a flight to    San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

San Diego4.

New York.



Could I have    ferry   tickets for a party of 30?






May I reserve 20 tickets for the      flight?





  1. San Diego  n. 聖地牙哥

L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.


課本頁 p.101

A: OK.  And when are you returning?

B: Sunday, the 23rd.

A: Oh, I’m sorry, but the tickets for that day are sold out2.

B: Just my luck3!

A: It’s the peak season4, you know.  How about Monday, the 24th?

B: OK.  I’ll take it.

A: The fare5 is 60 euros each for group tickets6.

B: All right.  Here’s my card.


  1. Santorini  n. 聖多里尼(希臘小島之一)
  2. be sold out  賣完了
  3. Just my luck!  運氣真背!真倒楣!
  4. peak season  旺季(=high season
  5. fare  n. 交通工具之費用,車資
  6. group ticket  團(體)票

課本頁 p.102

Sentence Patterns

Read and practice.


Where are we going on     Monday?






When are we going to the    flea market?

amusement park1?

shopping mall2?

folk village3?



What are we doing on    June 2?

July 12?

April 20?

August 31?


  1. amusement park  遊樂園
  2. shopping mall  購物中心
  3. folk village  民俗村

課本頁 p.103


When are we going to have a     party?






I’d like to book a flight to    San Francisco.

Los Angeles.

San Diego4.

New York.



Could I have    ferry   tickets for a party of 30?






May I reserve 20 tickets for the      flight?





  1. San Diego  n. 聖地牙哥

L5   Travel (I)

Useful Expressions

Listen and repeat.

1. Where are we going on Monday?  我們星期一要去哪裡?

2. What shows are we going to see?  我們要去看什麼表演?

3. When are we going to the flea market1?


4. What are we doing on June 2? 


5. Could you recommend some popular tours?


6. Is there any tour to the National Palace Museum?


7. Is the morning tour still available?  早上的旅遊行程還有嗎?

8. Is there a tour with a Chinese-speaking guide2?


9. The tour leaves daily3 at 9:00 a.m. from the hotel lobby.


10. We’ll be stopping for lunch at 12:00.  我們中午12點時會用餐。

11. How many people can you accommodate4你們這裡可以住幾個人?

12. Do you have rooms for about 100 people? 


13. Can you take in5 a group of twelve people? 


14. Do you have rooms available starting from June 2?


15. I’d like to book a flight for a tour group.


16. Could I have ferry6 tickets for a party of 30?  我可以訂一團30人的渡船票嗎?


1. flea market  跳蚤市場

2. guide  n. 導遊(= tour guide

3. daily  adv. 每天地 = every day adj. 每天的

4. accommodate  v. 供給住宿,容納

5. take in  留宿,收容

6. ferry  n. 渡輪,渡船(= ferry boat


課本頁 p.93

17. May I reserve 20 tickets for the express train7high speed rail8我可以訂20張快車票高鐵票嗎?

18. Do you want to go one way9 or round trip10你要買單程票還是來回票?

19. I’m sorry, but we’re booked up.  對不起,我們已經客滿了。

20. You’re in luck11.  We still have tickets available for that day.



7. express train  n. 快車(= express

8. high speed rail  高鐵(簡稱HSR

9. one way  單程

10. round trip  來回

11. in luck  運氣好的


課本頁 p.94


Read and listen.

1. Asking about an Itinerary1

A: Where are we going on Monday?

B: Monday?  Is that June 1?

A: Yes, that’s right.

B: We’re going to Sea World.

A: What time do we get there?

B: Around 9:00 a.m.

A: What shows are we going to see on this tour?


1. itinerary  n. 旅遊行程
課本頁 p.95

B: We’ll see a dolphin2 show and a diving3 show.

A: They should be awesome4.

B: Tell me about it. 5

A: When are we going to the flea market?

B: One moment, please.  I’ll have to check.


2. dolphin  n. 海豚

3. diving  n. 跳水;潛水

4. awesome  adj. 很炫的,很棒的,很厲害的(口語用法)

5. Tell me about it.  那還用說。


課本頁 p.96

2. Booking a Tour

A: Good morning.  May I help you?

B: Yes.  Could you recommend some popular tours?

A: Sure.  If it’s your first time here, I’d recommend our city tour.

B: Uh-huh.

A: Besides, the tours to the National Palace Museum and hot springs1 are very popular, too.

B: Where do we visit on the city tour?

A: You’ll see the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the Lungshan Temple, Taipei 101, and so on.

B: How long is the tour?


1. hot spring  溫泉
課本頁 p.97

A: It lasts for about four hours.

B: I’ve heard a lot about Taipei 101.  Is it really worth seeing?

A: You bet. 2  It’s a must for tourists.  You’ll regret it if you don’t see it.

B: Sounds persuasive3.  How much do you charge for the city tour?

A: NT$1,500 per person.

B: OK.  We’ll take the tour, then.


2. You bet.  當然。

3. persuasive  adj. 有說服力的,令人信服的


課本頁 p.98

3. Booking Hotel Rooms

A: Top Hotel.  How may I help you?

B: I’m a tour group leader.

A: Yes?

B: Do you have rooms for 110 people?

A: Not at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: That’s too bad!

A: Wait!  I’ll call our other hotel and see what’s available.

B: Thank you so much.


tour group leader  旅遊團領隊
課本頁 p.99

A: You’re welcome.  So, when do you need these rooms?

B: From July 15 to 18.

A: And for how many people again?

B: 110.

A: One moment, please.

(In a second.)

A: Yes, you’re in luck.  They have rooms available for your group.

B: Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate it.

A: No problem.


課本頁 p.100

4. Booking Ferry Tickets

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to book ferry tickets to Santorini1, please.

A: For what date?

B: The second of December.

A: For how many?

B: A group of 20 people.

A: Hold on, please.  I’ll check it for you.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.  So, do you want to go one way or round trip?

B: Round trip, please.



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